Wren Verona: 6 Months

Life has been quite the blur since the arrival of our Littlest O'Brien but it's also been a whirlwind of joy and gratitude for all the love that has been showered on us from friends and family.  We've had an enormous amount of generosity in the form of meals (fresh and frozen), babysitting, cleaning + tidying, renovations, gifts and hands-me-downs and everything in between.

Our winter has been its usual mix of everything: grey rainy skies, frozen clear days of rolling blue sky, warmer overcast days, and occasionally a beautiful sunny day reminiscent of early Fall.  We had a spoiled visit of cozy chicken soup and gluten free treats from my high school friend Ashley, and with the sun just pouring into our home, there was no amount of "tired" that could stop me from taking a few snaps of Little Wren and her balmy blue eyes.

Wren - Newborn

Wren - 3 Months

I was blown away how much she had groans since her last visit which was only a few weeks ago when Ash and Nicole came to meet Feather for the first time.  My heart went into panic mode realizing how different Feather will be in 5 months time and, after having two kids, knowing how fast those 5 months are going to pass.  Feather will be sitting up, laughing, trying solids, rolling around and being a little menace with his rowdy older siblings.


Chloe jumped in for a few shots with her little buddy

How fast time is flying.  

These little beauties are going to be rebel teenagers before we know it.




Baby Bowen

It's baby season in my circle of friends!  I was so close to the finish line as Moses just started Kindergarten with Chloe to follow next year and now, I, too, have one last little bun baking in my oven.  Holding these fresh tiny babies feels brand new as it's been so long since Chloe was this small!  I am frightened for how I will re-learn and re-adapt to this phase of motherhood, but my heart who knows all too well just how quickly time passes, is eager to cradle another delicate and precious little life in my arms one last time.

Congrats to Jess + Jared on their newest bundle of joy and trouble!  


"These days, these days I seem to think a lot
About the things that I forgot to do, and all the times I had the chance to"

-Nico Case



Beach Bump with Lindsay Elliott

There is a baby inside of me .  My third delicious pie-to-be, baking to perfection within the confines of my body and soul.  There is so much mystery surrounding a pregnancy, so many curiosities and questions that feel like they will never be answered...  

And then they arrive.  A few weeks early or a few days late, they finally arrive.  They take in their first breath of air and proceed to try out their tiny little lungs.  

I'm stuck in the mystery.  I look at Moses and Chloe, 5 and 4, and feel like I have known them my whole life.  Their personalities, once a tightly wrapped up present, now so obvious and fitting.  Their physical attributes that continue to gradually morph as they grow older year after year now make me wonder even more what will this third one look like?!!!  It's a little different with interracial kids because the range is much broader.  The gradations of skin tone to the possibility of black hair, Moses' thick dark mousy brown mop, or Chloe's borderline blonde loose tresses… the possibilities are endless!

I vowed that if I had a third child that I would take tonnes of photos since I hardly have any at all with my first 2 pregnancies.  I have kept that promise, even if it is me posing on my bed in front of my mirror while one of the kids stands and repeatedly presses the camera button.  I had my first maternity session over the weekend with my good friend and talented photographer Lindsay Elliott.  It was a bit of a collab.  I sent photos of ideas I was hoping to get as well as scoping out the light at different locations out here at Centennial beach.  She got everything I wanted.

One of the ideas I had was to be right in the water wearing some sort of loose and sheer drapery.  I was over the moon when my girlfriend and talented seamstress Joanna Delaney offered to help me out with putting something together in between her busy schedule of wedding gowns and bridesmaids dresses.

So thankful that after a few days of rain, the afternoon's hot sun managed to warm the water up to a very pleasant temperature!  

I love this.  

Oh, Little One, who will you turn out to be?

Sometimes I wish I were more academic rather than creative, but on days like this where I can collaborate with other like-minded creators and talents, I know I got the better deal.

Alright.  It is off to bed with me and this belly...

